BDS Exposes McDonald’s Malaysia Claims

ByThe Counter Journal

Last month, via mainstream news outlets, McDonald’s Malaysia stated they have withdrawn their legal suit against BDS Malaysia.

Reports were misleading

One particular report from a well-known mainstream news outlet, stated that “the movement acknowledged that the operator here is wholly independent and not linked to the one in Israel.”

However, according to BDS Malaysia, they never acknowledged such a thing.

Legal grounds were already weak

BDS Malaysia stated many times that they are not afraid to go to court over the legal suit as the grounds for the suit were “very weak”. They iterated that they are very confident in winning.

When news broke that McDonald’s Malaysia had sued the movement, Malaysians supported BDS in droves. Among them were legal professionals who offered to represent them on a pro-bono basis.

An attempt to save face

McDonald’s Malaysia was hit hard by the boycott. Although they have yet to announce any numbers, their internal marketing department acted quickly to seek other avenues of profit.

Netizens pointed out that their official social media almost overnight, changed focus towards Chinese-speaking Malaysians, by using Mandarin in their ads and social media posts.

And obviously, their latest attempt to save face was withdrawing their legal suit against BDS, by claiming that BDS is satisfied with McDonald’s Malaysia’s stance on the Gaza genocide.

McDonald’s Malaysia refused

BDS Malaysia revealed that McDonald’s Malaysia refused to denounce Israel’s criminal acts in Gaza, by calling it out as it is. A Gaza genocide.

Such refusals only show that McDonald’s Malaysia is still tied to the narrative of its owners. As much as McDonald’s Malaysia claims that it is independent, actions show otherwise.

Image – Reddit

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