A woman in China has ignited a fervent online debate after she made the controversial choice to withdraw life support from her unfaithful husband. The 38-year-old man from Liaoning province was hospitalized in critical condition after suffering a brain hemorrhage at his mistress’s home.
When doctors sought consent for life-saving surgery, it was the man’s estranged wife who appeared. She revealed a decade-long history of infidelity and emotional neglect, claiming to have lost all love for him. Despite the dire situation, she resolutely refused to authorize the operation, opting instead to have her husband’s life support removed.
The incident has sparked a firestorm of opinions on social media, with commentators sharply divided on the morality of her decision. Some condemned her actions as heartless, while others argued that the husband’s infidelity justified her choice.
Legal experts have weighed in on the matter, explaining the complex framework governing medical decisions in such cases. While spouses typically have the authority to make decisions for incapacitated partners, the law also allows for medical intervention without family consent under certain circumstances.
Similar incidents have occurred in China, such as the case of Wen Yuzhang, who disconnected his wife’s life support in 2009. While he claimed to have acted out of compassion, the court ultimately found insufficient evidence to link his actions to infidelity.