When it comes to marketing, you need to know exactly where your target market is hanging out. It can be one place, two places or a combination of many. For your information, having an active presence on your own social media channels is not the only awareness method available out there for your brand. It’s just one of them and there are others too.
There are mainly 6 altogether, and they are;
- Search. For strangers to find you when they’re looking for something to buy or consider.
- Social Media. For those who are following you.
- Email. For those who subscribe to your newsletter.
- Traditional. For eyeballs that are not actively online.
- Public or Media Relations. For eyeballs that consume mainstream media and publications.
- Influencers. For you to tap into the key opinion leaders or influencers’ community members.
I’m sure there are a few more, but these are the main ones. So, if you are bootstrapping, it’s better to focus on the right awareness method rather than all methods so that you’re able to have a short to medium-term ROI. Move on to the next method once the present ones bear fruits.
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