US State Dept Official Quits After Lies in Gov Report of Israel

For over 20 years, Stacy Gillbert, a US State Dept Official resigns after reading a report denying Israeli war crimes. Another addition to the string of resignations of US officials since the Gaza-genocide started.

The US gov official report

In the report, the US government weakly admitted that Israel may be using American-supplied weapons to harm civilians. This is a step forward, Gilbert admitted. However, that was not all.

The report continued to say that there is no evidence of Israel blocking humanitarian aid into Gaza. This was the final straw for Gilbert.

Subject matter experts say otherwise

Official organisations working on humanitarian issues and subject matter experts have repeatedly announced that Israel is purposefully blocking humanitarian aid into Gaza.

Video evidence has spread like wildfire on social media, showing Israeli civilians blocking lorries of aid from entering Gaza. Of course, Israeli civilians are physically backed by the IOF, who are stationed close by.

Gilbert was “shocked” by what she read

The blatant cover-up over what experts have repeatedly reported was the final push for Gilbert to resign after 20 years of service.

This is another blow to the integrity of the US government including any assessment or official reports from the White House.

In an interview, Gilbert was asked to give a final message to Biden.

“Do the right thing… the right thing is to acknowledge that Israel is blocking humanitarian assistance and there are consequences of that… and the consequences affect our military sales.”

“…the consequences affect our military sales.”

Gilbert’s final message alludes to the mindset within the walls of the White House.

The American war on terror, their pursuit to give freedom and democracy to the world, is a false mask they wear. It has always been about business.

For the US, war is far more profitable than anything they have ever done.