The Selfless Path

One day, a junior colleague visited my office seeking advice. At first, she hesitated to share her concerns. As a young academician, she was troubled by what she observed.

Many of her colleagues were intensely focused on chasing key performance indicators (KPIs), often with promotions as their ultimate goal – sometimes even at the expense of ethics.

Unlike them, she was more concerned about what she could do to uplift her students and contribute meaningfully to the institution. She asked me, “Am I doing this wrong? Should I also focus on KPIs like everyone else?”

I smiled and shared with her a story that had left a deep impression on me – a story about a minister and the 80:20 principle.

The Minister’s 80:20 Rule

During my time at the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), I worked with a minister who truly stood out. Unlike other politicians, he never discussed politics with us, the government servants. Instead, he was fully committed to his mission of redesigning Malaysia’s higher education system. We were known as the “soaring upwards” team, a reflection of his vision and focus.

After both of us left the ministry, I had a chance to meet him over coffee. Out of curiosity, I asked him, “Why didn’t you talk about politics with us, like other ministers I’ve known?”

He smiled and replied, “I dedicate only 20% of my time to politics. I have a good political secretary who takes care of that side of things. The remaining 80% I focus on the mission. When you do good, deliver results, and stay focused on your purpose, the politics will take care of itself.”

His words reflected the wisdom of the 80:20 rule: by prioritising what truly matters – serving the people and fulfilling his responsibilities – the benefits to his political career followed naturally.

I shared this story with my junior colleague and advised her, “Focus on your mission as an academic. Dedicate yourself to uplifting your students and contributing to the institution. When you do this, the personal rewards – like promotions – will follow naturally.”

The Danger of Greed

Greed is a powerful trap. It’s not just about wealth; it’s the constant need for more – more recognition, more achievements, or more power. Many people focus solely on themselves, chasing KPIs or promotions, but they often end up dissatisfied, wondering why their success feels hollow.

The Quran reminds us in Surah Az-Zariyat, verse 22: “And in the heaven is your provision and whatever you are promised.”

This verse reassures us that our sustenance and blessings are already decreed by Allah. Chasing worldly gains excessively will not bring true satisfaction, because material wealth or recognition is not the ultimate goal.

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) also said: “True wealth is not having many possessions, but true wealth is the richness of the soul” (Sahih al-Bukhari, 6446).

When we focus on fulfilling our responsibilities and helping others, we find peace and contentment.

Leadership, Selflessness, and the 80:20 Rule

Throughout my 30 years in academia, I’ve observed two types of leaders: those who dedicate themselves to building their institutions and those who prioritise personal achievements. The difference is clear. Leaders who serve their institutions selflessly often find greater happiness and leave behind a meaningful legacy.

This aligns with the wisdom of the 80:20 rule. Leaders who dedicate 80% of their time to serving their organisations and others naturally gain personal rewards, such as respect and recognition. On the other hand, those who focus entirely on themselves often find their success short-lived or unfulfilling.

The Quran reminds us in Surah Az-Zariyat, verse 19: “And in their wealth is a right for the one who asks and the one who is deprived.”

This verse teaches us that part of our resources and abilities must be used to help others. By serving others and fulfilling our duties, we gain blessings that cannot be measured in material terms.

A Call to Reflect

As I shared this story with my junior colleague, I saw her face light up with understanding. She realised that her instincts to focus on her students and her institution were the right path. I told her, “Don’t let the chase for KPIs distract you from your greater purpose. Focus on what truly matters, and the rest will follow.”

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “The best of people are those who bring the most benefit to others” (Sunan al-Kubra, 861).

Greed and selfishness may offer short-term rewards, but they ultimately leave us empty. True happiness and success come from selflessness – focusing on what we can give rather than what we can take.

The 80:20 rule teaches us to focus on what truly matters. Whether in leadership, academia, or daily life, if we dedicate most of our energy to serving others and fulfilling our responsibilities, the personal rewards will come naturally.

As the minister wisely said, “Do good, deliver results, and everything else will fall into place.” Let us live by this principle, remembering that our provisions are already written by Allah and that our true purpose lies in serving others and leaving a lasting, positive impact on the world.

Note: Dr Azizi is a professor at the Malaysian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship and Business (MGSEB), Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. He can be contacted at [email protected]

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