Sleepy Saturday.
That’s what I can say about today. The rain just stopped and the weather is nice to stay slightly longer in bed. But I couldn’t. My mom wanted to see me. At 10 am, I had breakfast with her. Our discussion topic today is the wildfire in Los Angeles. I’m like “Whoa.” She said that what is happening in LA right now is exactly what the good versus evil is all about. All hell is breaking loose there. And the good is winning—slowly and surely. This punishment of evil comes directly from up above. HE knows that the mortals are too weak to fight the so-called ‘superpowers’. So, HE sent HIS special army to neutralise those ‘superpowers’. The first batch of army HE sent was fire and economy. Those countries thought they were strong. They might be, but they won’t be able to fight this kind of army. Moms are always right you know.
Since Pelantar‘s series of articles for January was completed a couple of weeks ago, I just wrote one today. The first one for February. I realised today that it has been exactly a year now I’ve been scheduling articles early. It has been exactly a year now that one article for Tuesday and one article for Friday were published consistently without fail each week. But somehow I felt extremely lazy today, so having to complete one article would still be a win I guess. After lunch, I headed to my sister-in-law’s house for a family gathering. Came back from that long drive, with the 2-3 per cent battery life left in me, I could still refresh two old articles on Pelantar and make them relevant again—surprisingly. Well, as you can see it is not easy to grow passive income through newsletters and written content here in Asia. No discipline equals no passive income. No discipline equals no future predictability.