Stepping into academia as a young and enthusiastic lecturer, I never imagined encountering the murkiness that lies beneath its polished surface. But the truth is, there’s a dark side to this field that many of us don’t talk about openly. It’s a space where credit for your hard work can vanish, and the people you look up to might use you to push their agendas.
This isn’t just a new phenomenon; it’s been happening for years, not just here but everywhere. Someone once told me that academia is worse than politics. Why? Because the manipulations, the exploitation, and the backstabbing aren’t out in the open. They happen quietly, behind closed doors, leaving you to wonder what went wrong.
As a young staff member, here are the tough lessons I learned in my first year:
1. Trust is a luxury you cannot afford.
You can’t simply trust everyone you meet. Be cautious.
2. Keep your ideas close.
If you have an idea, proposal, or innovation, don’t share it openly. Some people will take your ideas, develop them, and conveniently forget to give you credit.
3. Protect your contributions.
When working on projects or under someone’s supervision, always insist on having official letters or documentation to protect your role. Even then, be wary; there have been cases where people are kicked off projects despite formal assignments.
To all the young researchers and academicians out there:
Don’t be afraid to speak up. If someone wrongs you, voice it out. Keeping silent only empowers those who are willing to exploit and bully, not just you but others who may be even more helpless.
We must break this cycle of toxicity in academia. Change begins with us, and it begins with refusing to stay quiet. Let’s support one another, protect each other’s work, and strive to make this field one of genuine collaboration, not murky competition.
Stay vigilant. Stay strong. And don’t let anyone silence you.
Dr. Pavitira Manogaran is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness (FHPK), Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. She specializes in Business Information Technology, Hospitality Management, and Sustainable Practices. For inquiries or collaborations, she can be contacted at [email protected].