The Art Of Making Complex Marketing Strategies Easy To Understand

I went to Port Dickson a few days ago. Nothing beats spending a quality time reading good stuff about marketing, business, sales and entrepreneurship with the beach vibe while having a nice coffee next to you.

Running Pelantar, a marketing newsletter subscribed by people around the world is not that easy. Especially in maintaining the quality of the how-to articles written. These subscribers, their expectations are high. When they decided to subscribe, they are expecting to read something they can easily understand the context in 5 minutes or less no matter how complex the topics are.

This is why I read every single day. This is why I observe people’s behaviour every single day for validations of what I’ve read. I need to be sure the concept is executable, or it’s just merely theories. From here, I merged the outcome with my 25-26 years of marketing experience to produce delicate and practical how-to articles—one at a time. And I ensure the articles are easy to understand and easy to execute too.

That is why I never recommend my customers to read random marketing articles and right away executing their strategies based solely on what they read. It’s not that simple. That is because many of these articles are written not for the Asia-based audience. If you are in Asia, it’s not that easy to find how-to articles that are insightful, honest and practical. This is the sole reason I run a marketing newsletter. It is for Asia, it’s honest and substantial work was done prior to writing each article to ensure the practicality of it.

How do you find quality marketing articles that you can truly use for your business?

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