You know, I had a decent afternoon nap the day before yesterday. It was 2 hours of good sleep actually. I woke up close to 4.30pm, only to receive three good news. I guess I need to have more naps after this.
First, one guy from Johor Bahru wanted to buy my car—badly. I listed my car in Mudah, one of many online marketplaces, a week ago. I guess, if all goes well, I should be able to conclude the transaction by the end of next week. On Tuesday, the Puspakom part will be done. The guy will come to test drive the car on Wednesday. Once all is good, he will make the payment and off we go to the RTD. FYI, the VW Passat B7 model is a bloody good car. It is reliable, comfortable, fast, low in maintenance and fuel-efficient. I’ve been using it for 3 years now. It’s time to move on to something that is knee-friendly.
Second, a new business lead exploring a marketing strategy advisory opportunity came in through WhatsApp. I then quickly arranged for the Google Meet call that night itself. We spoke for about an hour plus, and I managed to convincingly answer many difficult marketing questions being asked. I guess from the questions, they must’ve come across a lot of challenges before reaching me out. Jumping too early on the executions can be an expensive mistake. FYI, the conversion rate of incoming leads is more than 75 per cent. That’s because they already acknowledged the problems, they understood the stage they are in right now, they have a budget in place and they knew what needs to be done. So they texted me. The only 2 obstacles that could lead to a show-stopper are the pricing point and the solution provider option they have in hand. I told the person one thing. With an ROI-driven marketing push, he can expect better revenue, better profit, better market share and better brand reputation. And it starts with a good strategy that works.
And third, I noticed there are 3 new companies signed up on 300th. One of them is Taylor’s University, a Malaysia-based higher learning institution. Finally, more and more businesses are now starting to realise that they need to play the media releases game regularly. With one or two backlinks in each media release, they will see new Internet traffic coming their way. Having media releases and publishing them on content-sharing platforms like 300th is probably the best way to tap into the readerships or visitors of those platforms. The businesses no longer have to rely on those expensive mainstream media outlets out here. The content distribution game is now democratised big time. Those mainstream media outlets won’t even look at the email pitch unless it comes along with payments. Instead, self-upload on 300th, it’s more than enough. This content-sharing platform will get Asia to read the news. Only clever businesses play this, average businesses don’t.