In a groundbreaking feat, a team of three young Malaysians has developed a revolutionary technology that promises to transform space exploration: efficient wireless charging. This innovation, crafted by 29-year-olds Muhammad Kamil, Razlan Dhamir Hamdan, and Justin Lee, transcends terrestrial limitations, enabling seamless energy transfer even on the lunar surface.
Their creation, a wireless power bank designed for satellites, harnesses the power of radio signals to beam energy across vast distances. This not only eliminates the need for cumbersome cables, but also boasts superior efficiency compared to conventional methods.
This Malaysian ingenuity has not gone unnoticed. The project has already secured a place at the prestigious Startup World Cup, a testament to its global potential. Moreover, it has attracted the attention of Astrolab, a Malaysian company spearheading lunar exploration efforts. Astrolab, having secured a partnership with SpaceX for a 2026 moon mission, sees immense promise in the young team’s technology.
This development marks a pivotal moment for Malaysia’s burgeoning tech scene, showcasing the nation’s ability to compete on the international stage. The trio’s achievement not only pushes the boundaries of space exploration but also serves as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring innovators who dream of reaching for the stars.
Image — MYC, Malaysian Youth Community