Leadership 101, From A Non-Leader

You, as a leader of the department or company, shouldn’t lead others if you do not know how to earn the respect from the people you lead. You should just walk away.

Leading them by fear is never a good idea. Leading them by not trusting them is also never a good idea. Leading them by degrading their limited capabilities through incorrectly-chosen words is even worse. It shows that you lack communication skills big time. You need to add more vocabulary in your head too for God sake. And, leading them by not listening to what they say and not being able to read between the lines is just plain sucks.

The consequences of having a terrible person like you to lead a department or even a company are massive. The crack can be seen from afar. First, the company is experiencing a high turnover rate. People just come and go month-in-month-out. Second, for those who stay, they are as confused as hell when it comes to understanding your directions, everybody’s roles and things to accomplish. Third, people are too damn scared to make decisions—thanks to your lack-of-trust culture. And finally, the company’s growth is either stalled or continues making losses. They’ve grown from zero to one (or probably two), but they couldn’t bring themselves to ten, a hundred or more.

If you have a big team under you, pity. You are experiencing the crack without even knowing it—and it will get bigger and bigger. You will only realise this when things truly go sideways and it will be too late to undo those terrible things you did. By then, people will see your credibility questionable.

On second thought, I don’t think you’re going to realise that this is your fault anyway. No it isn’t. You are too perfect for it.


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