On 8th June, WhatsApp introduced ‘Channels’, which is a much better way for users to get information and updates from companies and organizations. It is simpler, secure and provides more privacy than other alternatives. Channels enable administrators to distribute information one way, worldwide, in the form of text, photos, videos, stickers and polls. It’s an incredibly useful tool that helps to maximize efficiency.
Channels can now be found in a new tab called Updates. This is your one-stop shop for all updates from the channels you follow as well as status updates – separate from your personal chats with families, friends and communities.
A directory has been constructed, so you can look for activities and interests that appeal to you. This includes recreational activities, sports teams, updates from local government representatives and many more topics. The search feature will make it easy for you to select the channels of your choice.

Image | WhatsApp
Invite links sent through chats, emails, or online can also be used to easily access channels.
Keeping your personal data safe is of the utmost importance on WhatsApp. For admins, this begins with ensuring that neither their telephone numbers nor profile pictures are visible to followers.
Rest assured that subscribing to a channel will not expose your phone number to any risks. Just like any other decision, following someone is completely private and has no repercussions.
What’s great about WhatsApp is that admins have a lot of control over who can follow their channel and even have the option to choose if they want their channel to be discoverable in the directory or not.
Channels are designed to cater to a large audience, so end-to-end encryption is not enabled by default. However, there may be certain instances where having this extra layer of security might prove beneficial – such as in the case of non-profit organisations and health networks. Therefore, considering all these scenarios, WhatsApp is exploring the future possibility of offering limited end-to-end encrypted channels for our users.
Currently, WhatsApp Channels have been launched for certain organizations in Colombia and Singapore. However, its reach will be extended to more countries soon and within the next few months, anyone will be able to create a channel.