Forget Fame. It’s Better To Live Life Quietly Instead

You know, to be an average Joe and unpopular is a privilege. Think about it. You’ll have the time in this world to do something meaningful for yourself and your loved ones. Since no one is inviting you to events, to join certain inspirational groups, to become a guest in somebody’s podcast or to become a keynote speaker, the time is fully yours. You can decide what you are going to do with it. By allowing people to skip you, they won’t be bothered to know what you are doing and what you are up to.

Leading a quiet life means you will have fewer interactions with people. It also means you can have a long drive to Port Dickson on weekdays with your loved ones and quietly enjoy the sunset there. No interruptions whatsoever. While waiting for the sunset, you can enjoy sipping good coffee by the beach, have a meaningful conversation, read a book or maybe write a good article. You can worry less about having back-to-back calls, unnecessary gatherings, coffee sessions et al.

Building personal branding while leading a private life is possible too. I know this because I’m doing it now. Some people believe they must be out there as often as possible to build great personal branding. Well, I politely disagree. You don’t have to. In my personal opinion, the ones that need to be out there are actually these.

1. Your name.
2. Your niche.
3. Your meaningful content.
4. Its relevant keywords.
5. The content distribution.
6. Repeat.

FYI, I’m using these to build my thought leadership all these years—my version. And, I purposely expose my thoughts, ideas and opinion only without my face, physical appearance and my images. At the surface level, the reach of this method seems boring and slow. There is zero hype, minimum engagements and short-lived.

But in fact, they aren’t. Privately, I received emails and direct messages for marketing advisory, subscriptions and new writer’s requests for my platforms. All these will lead to better relationships and monetisation. It’s just that I didn’t shout it out. That’s all. So, if you think it is not good to remain average and unpopular, well, think again. That could be your strength without you realising it.

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