Fast & Feel Love (2022) — Between Love And Ambition


A Thai-comedy film about Jay (Urassaya Sperbund) who is the backbone of her boyfriend, Kao (Nat Kitcharit) in pursuing his ambition to become the World Champion of Stacking Sports.

After successfully breaking the world record, Kao decided to compete in an online competition because he wanted to travel around the world as the fastest man in sport stacking and permanently live abroad.

Unfortunately, while Kao was training to defend his title as World Champion, he found out that Jay, the root of his success had left him silently.

For me, this movie is a light comedy movie that is quite ‘enjoyable’ in terms of characters and storyline. All the things that happen in this film are aligned with the title ‘Fast & Feel’. Besides that, this movie also inserts a few characters and scenes from other movies as a parody/tribute (only the director knows).