Elon Musk: Twitter To Take 10 Per Cent Cut On Content Subscriptions After 12 Months

News Asia 360

On Friday, Elon Musk shared that Twitter Inc will charge a 10 per cent commission on content subscriptions after the first year. This is part of its strategy to generate more revenue and diversify income by monetizing the platform’s content.

Just recently, Elon Musk announced the introduction of subscription services on Twitter – letting followers pay for content like longer articles and hours-long videos. This is expected to revolutionize how people use the platform and offer a new way to monetize content creation.

He also mentioned that the company won’t be taking any payment for the first year of content subscription fees.

Elon Musk has been introducing a variety of changes to Twitter in order to increase their profits, which fell last year prior to his purchase of the platform for around $44 billion which was completed in October. Moreover, he specified that the share of iOS and Android platforms on subscriptions would be lowered from 30 per cent to 15 per cent in the second year.