When functioning properly, democracy can promote political stability, safeguard individual freedoms, and foster societal progress.
Has Democracy Now Become A Disease?
Thank you for everything you do, teachers.
Cikgu Aisyah, Happy Teacher's Day To You. And To All The Cool Teachers In The World
"You don't build a business! "You build people, and people build businesses."
Here's Why I Think Khairul Aming Did A Good Job When It Comes To Company Culture
And the next question is, will this last?
Anwar Ibrahim
As a result of the pandemic, people have been pushed to reconsider their personal goals and values.
Should We Go Back To The Pre-Pandemic Way Of Living?
He predicted that as specialisation takes hold, a new type of person will emerge: one who is unable to integrate...
José Ortega’s Claim 100 Years Ago
Our individual experiences and beliefs shape our individual perspectives on life.
It Is Okay To Think Differently From Other People
While it may appear simple, getting started is not the most difficult part.
4 Healthy Habits To Kickstart 2023
How far can freedom go, is there a limit to freedom?
The Line Of Freedom
Here's how to do it.
Networking 101, Finding The Right Group