I came across this bee prank late last night. I admit, I laughed like crazy. It has been a while since I last had a good long laugh. The setup was pretty simple actually. There’s someone in the lift. Then, a man dressed as a beekeeper would step in, carrying three boxes labelled something which makes the other person in the lift think contained bees. Suddenly, he wants to reach out for his mobile phone in his pocket and “accidentally” drops the boxes—leading to a panic situation. The reactions were crazy.
While it’s good to entertain viewers, again I think these pranks could spark some kind of ethical implications here. I’m sure there are people out there who might raise concerns about the potential psychological impact on the poor targeted individuals questioning whether such pranks could cause undue distress or harm. I too had my 2nd thoughts about this sort of entertainment. Here’s one of the videos I was talking about. What do you think?