Be The Best Version Of 2023


Day 1 of 365
It’s still too early, but some of us may already feel the pressure of the new year.
Shiny Outcome Syndrome, as they call it.

To overcome it, one must do something small today that maps to his or her someday vision.
Most of us make the mistake of trying to live the whole dream in one day.
Go back to your big why?
Focus on why you’re doing what you’re doing.

As an entrepreneur, we must maintain focus.
It is perfectly okay to take a pause,
but never a stop.
Please don’t get distracted by someone else’s money, the number of followers, company size, or even the outcome.

Most of us make the mistake of trying to live the whole dream in one day.
Life isn’t a video game.
Development takes time.
Even a flower blooms with grace at a different pace in the right season.

Don’t try and be a better version of someone else.
Forget the shiny thing you saw on social media,
Be the best version of yourself 😇

With that, Happy New Year, everyone!