The bill garnered a resounding 399 votes in favor, with only 10 dissenting voices.
The footage depicts a chaotic scene, with flying stilettos, physical altercations involving police, and clothing being ripped off.
The flight attendant collapsed on stage in an emotional display of victory.
Fifth Times the Charm Flight Attendant Becomes Miss Trans Thailand
The band's stunt definitely is not helpful in any way possible.
The 1975 Controversy In Malaysia's Good Vibes Festival- Are They Really Supporting Gay Rights?
The answer, in my opinion, lies in between ‘Yes’ and ‘No’, as there were both proactive measures that could have...
Good Vibes Festival Crisis- Was It Avoidable?
When functioning properly, democracy can promote political stability, safeguard individual freedoms, and foster societal progress.
Has Democracy Now Become A Disease?
It is a fundamental human right and an essential part of education that empowers young people to make informed decisions...
Empowering Youth For A Better Tomorrow- The Importance Of Sex Education
Cece Asuncion, its founder, acknowledged that this endeavour wouldn't have been possible five years ago.
Slay Model Management, The First Trans Exclusive Model Agency, Is Now Open For Business