Be more creative and punish the really naughty ones.
Perhaps a more practical approach could help improve public opinion and do some actual good.
It's the only way forward. The only way we can set a good example for the nation.
Informed choices and decisions can be made which eventually will positively affect the service deliverables that drives efficiency.
The Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations of 2005 in Malaysia govern the recycling and disposal of ELVs.
I have always considered myself a teacher.
There is no doubt that teachers play a vital role in shaping individuals for various professions.
The electric vehicle or EV adoption policies are not truly user-friendly due to the high road tax rate that is...
Thanks to the rampant weaponization of the U.S. dollar.
But this doesn’t sit well with some family members of those who were murdered.
Malaysia is a great country to start a business
I know, most business owners try to pay as little tax as possible.
According to Reuters, his return to China could decrease the worries of its private sector which had gone through a...
If Luxembourg can do it, I sincerely think Malaysia can too.