This six-part show takes inspiration from the popular Japanese manga "Parasyte" by Hitoshi Iwaake, but carves its own path with...
"The Dark Mother," a supernatural tale rooted in Cambodian folklore, is sending shivers down spines and gaining international recognition.
The film, directed by Jang Jae-hyun, raked in a staggering $16.8 million in its opening session.
Slated for release on July 25, 2025, the film marks a significant milestone for Marvel.
Will David Benioff and D.B. Weiss regain the trust of the critical public or will another well-loved book series fall...
Scheduled for worldwide release, the animation boasts a budget exceeding 70 billion won, surpassing previous records.
The trailer hints at a potentially tumultuous dynamic between the two.
She wrote, “I am in love with Justin Timberlake’s new song Selfish”
More than just a construction project, Bob's mission becomes a deeply personal exploration of community, resilience, and the true meaning...
The feature-length film will depict Dion's ongoing battle with the rare neurological disorder while showcasing her remarkable career
The film's masterful exploration of the atomic bomb's creation catapults it to frontrunner status in the heated Oscar race.
In the annals of unfulfilled cinematic potential, "The Golden Compass" stands as a case study in the delicate dance between...
Amidst the cosy ambience of a Gahoe-dong cafe, Han So-Hee, star of the Netflix series “Gyeongseong Creature,” engaged in a...
This is the story of internet sleuth done right. It is funny when the X-Files, a television series that solves...
Technology has wired us to do most things easily. But easy is not always good.
The Curious Case of Madamoiselle X And Warren McKinlay The year was 1880. On one fine afternoon, Dr Jules Cotard...
Scientists in South Africa have rediscovered 11 De Winton’s golden moles, which haven’t been seen since 1936. The tiny blind...
The sight of these ‘eggs’ is really interesting. It’s brown and white and it kind of reminds us of pre-historic...
Speaking to Collider, Tom Holland revealed he is exploring opportunities for a Spider-Man 4. At this point, Holland has become...
She-Hulk debuted with extremely poor premiere viewership ratings on August 18, 2022. Now, the Disney+ exclusive may not be renewed...
A critically endangered species has now welcomed a new member to their family. A Sumatran rhino is born safely. With...
Only one movie released in 2023 with a budget of $200 million or more has actually turned a profit at...
The Merriam-Webster word of the year for 2023 is “authentic”. Search data for the word are routinely heavy on the...
A brand-new cast, a fresh set of characters, and a retelling of Superman’s story. DC Studios is preparing to debut...
The link between the Hulk and Bruce Banner has hit a new low. In a disturbing sequence, readers witness the...
Nicholas Hoult will play Lex Luthor in the upcoming James Gunn film “Superman: Legacy,” according to Deadline. The casting process...
The actors also announced a global casting search for who will be the next Karate Kid in the Sony film...
The Marvels is struggling to maintain at the domestic box office, breaking another negative MCU record. This latest MCU movie,...
Director Catherine Hardwicke recently sat down with Josh Horowitz on the Happy Sad Confused podcast. The two had a re-watch...
After making a deal with Disney, Doctor Who’s 60th-anniversary special confirms a major change to tradition that will positively impact...