Are You A Rebel Or A Stickler? Values To Be Learned From Going Against Authority

Among all stories I have read online, this one struck a chord in me.

It goes like this.

“A teacher took a fish out of its bowl and put it on the table. He told the room full of children to not leave their seats or else they would be expelled and left the room. The students watched the fish flopping around and gasping for air. No one made any move for fear of getting into trouble. After some time, a girl quickly stood up, left her seat and put the fish back into its bowl. The girl couldn’t bear the thought of seeing the fish die.

The teacher came back into the class. He told them that that was the lesson.”

This is an extract taken from the tweet below. This post has since gained 2.6 million views but the lesson to be learned is astounding.

For many of us, we follow rules simply because it’s what we’re told. We’re afraid of colouring outside the lines. We’re a stickler. But where and when do we stop following the crowd and the authority?

I agree with following the rules but I am not going to sit tight if the rules go against my values. I see life as full of grey areas. What about you? What are your values? The values that you hold on to are the ones that are going to shape your destiny and indirectly shape others’ too.

I’m going to leave you with this powerful quote image taken from the comment section below this thread.

So, which are you? A stickler or a rebel?