2023, the year that was and has been. And what should it be for 2024?
It comes as a many different situations and opinions for us all. In an assortment of moments, our 2023 journey has been a variety of achieved dreams, prayers, successes, unquestionable motives and decisions made to realise our potentials. Whether they are as individual, establishment, or community, we asked for reassurance that our choices were right and righteous. In the end, what was meant to be, is meant to be.
In light of positive odds and ends, victory prevails through patience, sacrifice, and endurance. Without it, we would’ve succumb and retire to its immoral and rigorous demands which seemed never ending. In faith, we marched on to ensure that we remain steadfast although in certain matters, fall to profound misjudgments. All in all, we rise to the occasion to ensure that every one is well cared for. And to take that few of the past should well be noted, favoured and looked upon, where all is not lost.
We all belong to a certain community. Communities that acknowledged our existence as leaders, employers and employees, people and nation, must always to stand and prevail as one to ensure the strength of the community. I’ve always believed in acting as a unit where one must share the same objective, the same interest, to enable the fullness of visions and missions. Then only shall the community or establishment benefit and prosper with greatness.
Yet, one question remains. What is our sole purpose as an individual, a human being, a person with responsibility in any establishment? I say, let it be our individual strength that guides, that enable the growth and recognition our community should receive and admired for. When one can mentor the community and pilot the establishment, can growth truly advance and begin to empower the community at its best condition. And thus only then will the recognition be attained, efficiently and assuredly.
One must never forget, that no man, or woman, is an island. We all strive in a community, as a community. And as an individual, we can help drive the next course of action for our community, and most definitely, for ourselves. In short, we benefit gain that is not vain.
So in any year, Come What May, we will once again march onwards to ensure stability, unity and prosperity in all corners of our community. Have a blessed life in the next 365 days of 2024.