2 Simple But Important Blogging Tips From A Seasoned Blogger

I used to own a blog site before and updated it often until I decided to build an internet publishing platform instead back in 2017. Since then, I write my insights there. Most of my content ranked well. As a matter of fact, I was able to monetise regularly from it. I bring readers to read my article, make them reach out and engage with me for a conversation.

There are 2 simple but important tricks a blogger like you should do in order to be found on the web, generate better income or grow your authority within the industry you’re in.

Quality of the content

This is a must. And word-of-mouth marketing usually starts here. Writing an article, be it short or long, must reflect your first-hand knowledge, experience and skill. When a reader reads your content, they will feel this. Once they can feel that you truly have those three strengths, they will definitely read further. If not, they will stop and walk away. The context is crucially important. Besides the context, the article must be displayed in a story form. The title must be right, the title’s description is great, and the first paragraph to the final one must be well structured, fueled by a proper handshake between each paragraph. Narratives are critical as well. Without quality in all aspects, your content will be seen as average. People don’t read average stuff.

Effective distribution of the content

You may have the best and most powerful article, but it will not serve any purpose other than giving you a fake good feeling if no one reads it. People will notice it only if it is shared by someone or if they found it on search engines. What that means is that if someone is searching on Google for something they wish to know, understand or buy, they will go to a website that appears near the top of the first page. So your article needs to appear in their search for them to click their way to your content. This is where SEO comes into play. SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, involves two sub-categories; On-Page and Off-Page SEO. Make sure you have a fair understanding of these and ensure that your content includes what’s needed for both.

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